
bā yīn 八音 。8 sounds 

sonorous paintings project 。 

  1. conferences

    。2016 。

      The 3rd CAFAM Biennal. Negociating Space: I never thought you were like that. The second negociation.CAFA-中央美术学院. Central Academy of Fine Arts. Beijing-CN.*

      3rd International Conference on new Music Concepts-ICNMC. Music Academy "Studio Musica". Convenzionata con il Conservatorio "B. Marcello" di Venezia. Hong Kong-HK.*

    。2015 。
      2nd International Conference Art, Science, City-ASC. Valencia Polithecnical University-ES.*

    。2014 。
      2nd Art in Translation. International Conference on Language and the Arts: "The Art of Being in Between". University of Iceland-IS.

  2. homesitemap

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