。bā yīn 八音 。8 sounds 。
。sonorous paintings project 。
。Aymerich Goyanes, Guillermo, “8 sounds (bā yīn 八音). Sonorous Paintings Project.”
。Carrá, Carlo: "The Painting of Sounds, Noises and Smells." Available in
。Granet, Marcel. “Libro II, Las ideas directrices; III. Números y relaciones musicales” in El pensamiento chino. Ed. Trotta. Madrid, 2013.
。Hazedel Levis, John: Foundations of Chinese musical art. Illustrated with musical compositions. Ed. Paragon Book Reprint Corp. New York, 1963.
。Levi-Strauss, Claude. Mirar, escuchar, leer. Ed. Siruela. Madrid, 1993.
。Nicolescu, Basarab. “Transdisciplinary-Past, Present and Future.”
。Thompson, John. “Taiyin Daquanji. Folio 1C: Miscellaneous Qin information.” (about the 12 tubes theory).
。Schafer, R. Murray. El paisaje sonoro y la afinación del mundo. Ed. Intermedio. Barcelona, 2013.
。Trần Quang Hải. “Hồn Quê: Numbers in Asian music.”
。Van Aalst, J. A. Chinese music. Facsimile Publisher. India, 2015.
。Wang, Yinglin. Sanzijing. El clásico de los tres caracteres. Ed. Trotta. Madrid, 2000.
。Wilhelm, Richard. 2006. I Ching, o Livro das Mutações. São Paulo: Pensamento.